I backpacked to the top of the world...

I backpacked to the top of the world...

Monday, June 28, 2010

After 11 Tools: Reflection...

Wow...in the beginning I thought that I would work through this process kicking and screaming, not wanting to face each day knowing what....I had to face. ha! I hate to admit it - I said I would keep an open mind about this...maybe it would become one of my favorite things to do. Well, I won't say favorite, but maaaan, I do have a new and "positive" thought process toward all this. It grew on me with each passing tool. I would find myself at the computer soon after coffee, ready to move forward toward the finish line. Here I am! I really ended up enjoying this. It is a Tuesday, and my goal was to have it finished by Friday. WHO KNEW? Not me.

Some of my favorite sites are: UTube, PhotoStory3, GoogleDocs/GoogleReader, flickr, Skype, Wordle, and of course, everyone's favorite ITunes. For use in my Reading groups I could certainly utilize PhotoStory3 in either a recreation of a favorite story they read through art design or play format. They love to create character and dialogue! I would utilize GoogleDocs to create an original story that they could all have access to and become artful participants. Then, create artistic designs and read it aloud to be put on UTube for their peers to see. How proud they would be. Each would take turns taking the ipod home to show it to their parents, unless, of course, I download it to my class website for home and school viewing. Oh my....I am out of control. Learning in the classroom for our students has taken on a whole new meaning. With that said...

Can you guess the transformed thinking that has taken place for me as well as the unexpected outcome? Well, if you read my first blog of hopelessness and despair... It's been fun.

I am Technofit!


  1. Congratulations on completing your tools! I felt the same way you did. I also feel more confident about using technology in the classroom.

  2. You seem to be very knowledgeable and truly technofit. Your students will truly enjoy their experience as they grow using technology under your leadership. Stay FIT!

  3. Congratulations on finishing this introduction. There is always more to learn, but you are off to a great start! Keep learning & sharing!

  4. I am late starting my blog and learning all about all this. I guess I am still at the "scared" point but when I see all that you did, it gets me excited!
    PS. I loved the video on your home!
