I backpacked to the top of the world...

I backpacked to the top of the world...

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Tool #1 Blog Set-up/Registration

Well.....I was determined to do this on my own, and I assume that I just did. I have to say that it was like walking through mud, bringing the fun-factor way down. I am going to keep an open mind throughout this process, but I have to say that, most assuredly, I would much rather be outside interacting with people and nature on a personal level than clicking the keys of a computer. I don't think this is healthy, on an emotional, social, or physical level. With that said, I will move through this program as I am expected to by my school district, with gusto. Who knows......when it is all said and done, I might add this to my list of favorite things to do. :)

All fun aside, really, this was a difficult process for me. I think I have sat at the computer now for about 3 hours. I do hope I did this correctly. I will look for assurances from those that know before I move to the next tool activity. I am assuming that this is a building process, so I need to make sure the foundation is solid, so to speak.

You will hear from me again, no doubt. Let me know how you all are doing with this. I would love to hear your success stories along with words of encouragement.



  1. I don't believe you have registered your blog so that we know you are participating. I found you thru the comment youmade on another participant's blog. Please go back to Tool #1 and read the part under Step 4 about registering.

    Also..if you look at other people's blogs, you will see that they use words for their blog ID (look at the bottom of their posts)...you are using your url address! You may want to change that? If so I can help you.

  2. Yes, I would welcome your help with this matter. Thanks. :)

  3. I have to say I really enjoyed reading your post. It seems every real and honest which is really refreshing! I agree with you completely about not being the healthiest on a social, emotional, & physical level. I understand the importance and the value of these resources. Its the way that people (especially our students) communicate and connect with others. I think its a great but with everything there are pros and cons to all things! Great thought-provoking post!!!
